Mulund East : Has BJP coming to power made any difference ?
The recent Mumbai floods has brought the regional party Shiv
Sena under a lot of criticism that at the State of mismanagement at the BMC
which the Shiv Sena has ruled for 25 years and a staunch Sena support will also
at best like to avoid. This was shown in the BMC elections also as the Shiva
Sena which fought without BJP just managed an equal vote share with the party
at the center putting them at equals in the overall city at 84 and 82
respectively. But a granular survey of the elections to our concerned area show
a different picture. Mulund was different . A predominantly Sena
stronghold if I might as at least for the BMC elections had a different
verdict to offer to the power. Mulundkars as if almost frustrated by the non
performance of their Sena and NCP corporates wanted a change , the change the
nation brought about in 2014. It wanted decisive people who can solve their
problems. They wanted actions on ground at their ever own beloved Mulund and
thus filled with all this expectations voted BJP in power in all the Six Nagar
Sevak seats , as if to give the message to the power about the level of
frustration. But has the working style and on ground realty changed for the
As I was jogging on the streets of mulund today a casual
glance at the Mulund roads tell me just the opposite picture. Their state is
worst in some areas than some gramin roads. The road construction that had
started just before elections has just been left at half after the
transfer of power as if current nagar sevaks believe that the roads will
complete automatically just before the next elections. After being so active
just few months ago circulating election manifestos the BJP Nagar
Sevaks have just vanished from the grounds during monsoon so as to
suggest that they are fearful of being affected by the diseases like
swine flu and dengue which they have failed to control as the state and BMC
both where they are in equal power has not taken adequate measures. We have
been promised of alternative roads connecting the highway and train starting
from Mulund. We have been promised a swimming pool and a state of art playing
facilities for all ,but only thing I see is political class being busy only
winning Gymkhana elections and introducing alcohol serving club right at the
entrance of the gymkhana that people have stopped sending the kids to play to
the Gymkhana because of the pathetic display of liquor and air filled with
smoke. The Deshmukh garden is renovated and is welcome but that was in the
earlier MNS corporate regime , and even as that is done the trees on the roads
outside Deshmukh garden and ninety feet road have miraculously fallen in the
last year where the authorities claim it as natural death but for trees that
have survived for centuries that argument sounds a little away from facts. And
I hear a senior BJP leader of MULUND east take up trees plantation drives on
the highways which is doubtful when he cannot even save the full grown trees in
Mulund east. The sectors like health care , educational institutes best not
talked about.
The people I guess are just so overwhelmed by Prime Minister
Modi in power, that they re-elected the same person who has just shifted from
Shiv Sena to BJP the same Shiv Sena that they did not want in power for
its inactions. The tall claims by the Six BJP nagar sevaks have yut not started
on the ground is sure for all of us to see. We want change in the system, but
can Nagar Sevak bother to answer for their inactions when we really don’t
care to question them and wait for another floods to happen before we criticize
on FB and tweeter the BMC.
The BJP has been voted into power at the national , state ,
and the most granular level because the people were fed up with earlier establishments
and hence they carry huge expectations upon them. The face of Mulund
which was once so peaceful is changing with a lot of construction work
happening around us. Will the new BJP government and the six ‘NAGAR SEVAKS’ not
the rulers, be able to serve that increasing population with
adequate infrastructure maintaining the natural beauty of the place I proudly
call my home or will it be a political disappointment?? Can the nagar sevaks
save the state of this city my friend called a ‘DYING CITY’ a few days ago???
The people also have the responsibility and the responsibility is to ask
questions of the authorities meant to serve us ?? Has the BJP made the
difference till now is the question I place before you or should we ask
more questions of them??
By Kaustubh Kalamkar.
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