Avengers’ and its parallels to the Hindu right ideology.
The Avengers’
series has recently concluded and since I have followed the series from early
on at the end of the endgame movie I was sitting watching credits presented on the
screen to wait for any new hints of the new movie as every Marvel fan does. That
was not to be, but while I was sitting there a thought did arise in my mind on
the undercurrent message of the series and its parallels to the Hindu right
movement in India. Movies do teach and influence us a lot and is a powerful
medium to convey the message and hence I try to explore and argue the case for
the Hindu right movement using the most successful franchise in modern times
Avengers’. For the scope of this blog let’s focus on the three Avengers’ movies the
civil war, infinity war and the endgame.
Civil war: The Avengers’ the supposed invincible
who could do nothing wrong, find themselves at the midst of the entire opposite
in this movie. Doubt, suspicion, infighting grip the mighty and they are pitted
against each other the two strongest of them our heroes the immortals and the
people who could do no wrong seem only humane, mortals and with same emotions
as average individuals. Not everything they thought they did right was right
after all and heroism comes crumbling for us viewers.
The same
story applies to the Hindu in a sense that the civilization once glorious and
torch bearer of the human excellence is marked by caste discriminations and
infighting and internal territory wars, pitting of one king against the other,
doubt suspicion, differences and ego overpowering the cause of the greater
good. The result was no different than avengers and we became fragile and weak
and came at a brink of collapse.
The Infinity war: Infinity war shows how the team
regroups and tries and defends against external threat to the world. The resistance
they put is heroic and praise worthy the outcome not so much favorable. The infinity
war shows how even the mighty who take on the great external force called
Thanos were unsuccessful in their attempts to fend the enemy off. The result is
utter mayhem and destruction of wealth, prosperity and human life. The utter
loss of hope over the helplessness of even the greatest is numbing as an
experience in the reel. The mighty Avengers’ fall! The external force too hard
for them to recover and half the world vanished.
The same can
be said about the hindu civilization. The civilization which came to the brink
of collapse due to internal reasons did collapse and fell to the external force,
1st the invading Arab, Turks and Mongol (mughal) armies invaded
India and destroyed and created havoc. The destruction was horrific, temples universities
and common people nothing was spared. There were off course periods of
resistance and of momentary peace but the end result was no different than the
avengers’. The sad part was the destruction continued post the Islamic fall and
power shifted to the Brits whose rule was no different and the destruction was
complete. By the end India was left divided into 3 parts, economy devastated
and the pillage complete. The independence did come but at a huge price to pay
for it. All seem lost.
The avengers’ survived and struggled almost hopelessly trying to forget
the past and script the revival when
they figure the time travel by condensing the universe and replicating it to a
smaller form. They do it to write the wrong historically by changing the past
and do it successfully. But hey wait is that so simple. Off course not! Enters
Thanos again! The climax is beautifully shot and the cinematic experience brilliant.
But the two messages that stand out from the climax are. There is a scene were
Thanos says,”That I left this place
after destroying half of it so that the other half can survive, but humans have
memories and try to correct the historical wrongs and So this time I will
destroy the entire population and create a new one without the memory of the past
so that they does not try and reclaim it because they don’t not know what happened.” Off course Thnos
is defeated and there is a happy ending. It’s a movie after all.
The Hindu
revival is a similar story, of defeat but more importantly of survival and of
re-writing the historical wrongs. The
left liberals were smarter than Thanos in a way, they knew that humans have memory and hence
they made every effort in the past 70 years to re write the history, wipe out
the past atrocities and tried to recreate a false narrative of peace and aman
ki asha. What they forgot was the resistance this civilization had given for almost
millennia could not be overwritten so easily. We after all are tuff nuts to
crack. The avengers’ had the time travel options with
them. But real life does not offer time travel. The fight for reclaiming and rewriting
historical wrongs is on as was with avengers, it is a process to reclaim the
lost glory and bring the past to some respectable self it once stood.
The Ram janma bhoomi movement, the dalit
rights for reservation and equality and the outrage over the lopsided interpretations
by the left libs devoid of the sense of
history is but the manifestation of this very struggle for freedom, liberty and
the lost pride. As Naipaul said in the wounded civilization and million
mutinies India is a work in progress. From the infighting and defeat to reclaiming
and glory this story has many parallels to the avengers. The avengers had 1 in
a 14 million chance and they pulled it off because it was scripted. The hindu (the
indic fold –all indic dharmic traditions) struggle is not yet complete and has
a long way to go. This does not mean discrimination against other people but to
reconcile with others and itself. Till this happens the India story of whatever
it achieves materially will always be without the soul of the civilization and
its Dharmic traditions.
We don’t have the infinity stones or the time
travel nor is it the movie to have happy endings but denying the Hindu right of
struggle to reclaim the lost glory is like denying the avengers their victory,
and none of us will like to see the avengers lose. Yes movies do teach us a
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